
Create an animation that demonstrates what your product does. You may use whatever animation creation tools work for the purpose. The goal is to communicate product operation. The length of the animation is 1 to 3 minutes.

Animations are one of the best ways to show stakeholders how a product concept works. For example, animations are standard in the medical device space.

A good animation is one where the viewer leaves knowing how the product works. A not-so-good animation is one where "nice video!" is the main comment of the viewer. In other words if you find viewers talking about the animation rather than about the product, then you may want to rethink the animation.

The animation is one that you can show to a company VP or to an investor to communicate how the product works. It is not a commercial and is not a comedy show (unless you want people laughing at your product.)

Example professional product animations (lots more out there):


Arctic Front (has both sequence of cartoons and an animation)


Tip: Avoid unnecessary spinning and zooming, which can leave the viewer feeling dizzy.

Tip: If you have the time and the inclination to learn, Blender can be used to create a fantastic animation.

Submitting: Canvas limits uploads to 20 Mb. Therefore, post your video to a password-protected video sharing site (your choice) and then upload the link to Canvas. Put the password in the comments section of the upload.