Final Report

The final report is an executive summary and appendices containing supporting data for the assertions you have made in the final presentation. Most of that supporting data are in the deliverables submitted to the course during the nine months. Additional information would be a complete set of technical documents that provide engineering details for the product. Other appendices are project dependent.

Print about 5 double-side, bound (staple is OK) copies. Deliver four (more or fewer copies as needed) to the client and one hard copy to the faculty advisor at the Final Review. You might think that paper is primitive, but your client will be impressed by the volume of work done when you deliver a hefty paper copy.

In addition, post an electronic copy on the project web site. Also upload to Canvas.

Report Format

Title page (product name, team member names, company, client names, date, an image of the product)

Table of Contents

Executive Summary (1-3 pages)

One sentence description of the product

Market opportunity (customer segment, needs, key VOC results)

Product description

Financial feasibility

Recommendations to the company for how to proceed with the project


Appendix 1 are the slides (printed 2 or 4 slides per page) from the final presentation. The remaining appendices are up to you.