Shocker Lecture 2003

Fifth Annual

Allan D. Shocker Lecture

on Product Development

Ten Habits of Highly Effective

Product Development Teams

How is the practice of design evolving? You have read the books, attended the classes, and seen great products. But what do world-class development teams actually do to create successful products? This seminar presents 10 competencies that separate great product development teams from the rest. Each one is a skill that can and should be learned, practiced and built into the process. Each will be illustrated with examples showing how teams implement these important habits of effective product development.

Steven Eppinger

Sloan School of Management,


March 3, 2003

1:00 - 2:30 PM

3M Auditorium

Carlson School of Management

University of Minnesota

The Shocker Lecture is presented by the New Product Design and Business Development Program, a joint venture between the Institute of Technology and the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota, and collaborating companies working together to create new products.